Welcome back to NXT 2.0! Your host tonight is the best play-by-play reporter in sports entertainment today, Mike Hogan 1.0 We’ve got a great show lined up for us tonight as we deal with the fallout from last week’s NXT Heatwave! Also, notable injuries have struck this week, with Toxic Attraction’s Gigi Dolin and Zoey Stark‘s injuries costing both teams their spots–Dolin just days after her team filled in for an injured Zoey Stark and her partner, Nikkita Lyons. There will also be a Fatal 4-Way on SmackDown between the four teams that lost in the first round to determine who’ll challenge Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah for the titles.
But you’re here for NXT stuff, aren’t you? The official preview is chock full of goodness, listening primarily an NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match between current champs Briggs & Jensen and the longest-reigning NXT UK Tag Team Champions in history–and with the promotion shuttering soon, it’s a permanent distinction–Gallus! It feels almost as if tonight’s a battle to determine perhaps the final NXT UK Tag Team Champions before the eventual change from NXT UK to NXT Europe. Also on tap tonight is a Lights Out Match between recent-rivals Tiffany Stratton and Wendy Choo. We’ll have the debut of Grayson Waller’s new ‘show,’ the Grayson Waller Effect with special guest Apollo Crews! Also on tap, another NXT UK veteran Tyler Bate will be in action against Von Wagner.
NXT UK Champions Briggs & Jensen; NXT UK’s Gallus
We open with the two or so minutes containing video from last week’s NXT Heatwave special event episode! Rose retained, as did Breakker, and NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate showed up to confront Bron. Speaking of…
Breakker makes his way out and asks Orlando where his dogs are at for a cheap woof. He addresses his match with JD McDonagh (fka Jordan Devlin of NXT UK) and mentions that NXT UK Champion Tyler Bates showed up. He states he knows Tyler didn’t fly around the world for the sky miles and invites him out to talk. Out comes the NXT UK champ, title over shoulder! Both men are two-time champions of their respective divisions. It’s almost bitter sweet, knowing NXT UK is preparing to shutter as it evolves to NXT Europe, and here we are with possibly our final NXT UK Champion–and later tonight, Gallus challenge Briggs & Jensen for the right to (most likely) become the final NXT UK Tag Team Champions. Any who, Bate gets a decent reaction. Tyler gets on the mic and states that NXT UK has been host to some of the best int he business. He states he’s a proud flag-bearer of NXT UK and confirms he is the current, and final NXT UK Champion. “And with NXT Europe around the corner, I cannot think of a better thing to kick (it off) than by unifying these titles.” Decent pop but the crowd seems tired. Breakker discusses watching bate and states when he thinks of NXT UK, he thinks Tyler. He then challenges in two weeks, at Worlds Collide, it’s champion-versus-champion in a unification bout! Both men shake hands, hoist their titles and smile at each other as Barrett and Joseph on commentary hype the potential match.
Despite reports that Gallus member Mark Coffey was released last week, we get a promo for the entire faction that boasts about their status as the longest-reigning NXT UK Tag Team Champions in history, a record no one will ever be able to beat. They hype their NXT UK Tag Team Championship bout tonight, determined to bring the belts home and keep them for good.
We cut right to the arena and out make Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey, and Wolfgang–our challengers, Gallus! Vic Joseph informs us that there’s something going on in the back and we see the champs, with Fallon Henley, as they walk away from Lash Legend who is the only one being restrained by refs/officials. Optics, folks…c’mon. We head to break. When we return, the champs are out, escorted by Fallon Henley. Throughout the technical match, which features mostly working holds as Wolfgang and Joe Coffey represent Gallus tonight and continue to keep the champs grounded, we get some unique commentary. Wade Barrett compares the “conspiracy theory” about Roderick Strong “signaling” the D’Angelo Family in an eight-man tag match, back a month or so, to the “second shooter on the grassy knoll” fact conspiracy theory. The match starts slow with Gallus continuously shutting down Briggs and Jensen. Finally after a miscue, the champs rally and send Gallus flying to the outside. WE go to break with Gallus huddling up at ringside, discussing strategy, while Briggs & Jensen taunt them from the ring off-mic.
Throughout the break, Wolfgang & Coffey take a turn in control. Gallus, who hold the permanent record of longest reign in NXT UK Tag Team Championship history at 497 days, step it up as the trio are eager to pad their reign a few more weeks before NXT UK shuts down. Jensen and Coffey carry us back from the break and Briggs looks for a hot tag; Coffey blocks it, temporarily, but Jensen gets free and makes the tag! Briggs runs over all members of Gallus, easily dropping them with lariats and snap suplexes. Wade Barrett calls Briggs the most dangerous man in NXT. Pretty Deadly and Lash Legend hit the ring, distracting the champs! The champs…then decide to brawl to the back and lose by count-out, retaining their titles. The Diamond Mine immediately hit the ring after the bell, looking for some revenge on Gallus! Kemp, the Creeds and Strong are unified once again as they chase off Gallus! Security officials, which made their way out during the break, separate Gallus back up the ramp and the Creeds hoist their NXT Tag Team Champion titles high. Your Winners, Gallus! But STILL NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Briggs & Jensen!
Waller sits at a desk set up int he ring–think, uh, low-budget Carson or Leno–with a picture-in-picture screen in the bottom left, potted plants in front of the desk, Instagram Live broadcasting and a simulated phone with a “social media stream” on the NXT Tron. He insults Crews and announces him as someone stealing opportunities from everyone> Crews makes his way out as Waller pretends to talk to his off-camera “sidekick” like a real late-night talk show host. Throughout the segment, the crowd alternatively chants for Raw’s Johnny Gargano and Crews, then insults at Waller. Waller continues to accuse Crews of stealing opportunities; Crews tells Waller that “Apollo Crews was born in NXT!” He states that he came back to find himself again and new people would love it (the crowd) while others would be jealous (Waller).
Waller asks him a question from his Insta-feed, one that “no one has the balls to ask you, didn’t you have an accent? The proud Nigerian Warrior!” He reminds us Crews lost the garb and accent. Crews whips out the accent, asking, “is this the accent you’re talking about?” He then reverts to his normal accent (or what I assume is) and states that he’s still a Nigerian Warrior. He admits he got too caught up on his past and is focusing on his future, which is hwy he’s back in NXT> “So in front of all these people,” Waller accuses, “you’re going to admit you’re selfish?” Crews rolls his eyes and tells him to take it however he wants. Waller asks Crews to reveal a “vision,” sarcastically referring to Crews’ remarks that he’s a dreamer and believer in himself. Waller begins to act like he’s Miss Cleo, then asks “where were you last week when Gallus attacked Diamond Mine?” He accuses Crews of knowing it was coming and avoiding it; Crews states that’s not how that happened and they argue over it until Crews rises to his feet, forcing Waller to back up. Waller states, “Grayson from Australia wants to know” what Crews will do when Grayson Waller chases him out of NXT: Crews calls Waller a “low-budget Miz” which leads the crowd in a chant. Waller pushes the envelope, making a comment about Crews’ kids, and Crews slugs him. He explains he’ll tell his kids he’s been a champ on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays and soon? On Tuesdays, too.
We cut briefly to the back area, where Pretty Deadly and Gallus are yelling at each other, with PD taking offense that Gallus is trying to push in on “their” territory. We head to break!
We return from break and Cameron Grimes makes his way out–and we see the Schism–Joe Gacy and the Dyads, formerly known as the Grizzled Young Veterans–overlooking from what’s usually the Toxic Lounge. Commentary question their presence and Gacy wishes Grimes luck. “Big Body Javy” Javier Bernal looks to lock up with Grimes and quickly cowers into the corner, acting…quite weird, almost as if fire ants were on his face. The ref forces the break and Bernal uses the distraction to get an early lead over Grimes. The Dyads’ Rip Fowler (Zack Gibson) & Jagger Reid (James Drake) attempt to lightly distract. Grimes takes a beating from Bernal for a few moments but picks up the win after he rallies and pulls a Cave-In out of the middle of nothing. impressive start for Bernal. Your Winner, Cameron Grimes!
We get a new video for “the Firekeeper,” in which she discusses her family legacy as keepers of a fire that, as long as it is lit, prevents Surtur from starting the Ragnarok, I believe. Something along those lines. Fire, rawr, baseball bats, Alba!
The former Bea Priestley and rocking a Sia hairdo, Blair Davenport, makes her way out to face Indi Hartwell. The crowd, still a bit quiet, is behind both women. Davenport is praised highly for her work in Europe, and starts off with a brief lead. Indi fires up her comeback within moments, dropping Davenport with multiple clotheslines and a spinebuster for a close two. Hartwell strings Davenport over the middle rope and connects with a running kick. Hartwell takes a very, very long time climbing the middle rope and Davenport rallies, ripping Hartwell off. Hartwell rolls Davenport up, holding her down by her boobs (oops), but Davenport kicks out and, repulsed, quickly strings together a few moves with a high-angle driver to put away Hartwell! Your Winner, Blair Davenport!
Hartwell is briefly attacked post-match by Davenport. Davenport gets on the mic and states that as the new mistress of NXT and former number one contender to the NXT UK Women’s Championship, she figures she’s due a title shot against Rose. Rose gets a good welcome and is quick to tell Blair to put some respect on her name. Speaking of respect, potentially the best woman in sports entertainment wrestling history–NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura–makes her way out! Satomura and Rose compliment each other then challenge for a unification match! Davenport tries to interject and the crowd chants for her to shut the hell up. Meiko makes a suggestion–Meiko. Mandy. Blair. Triple-threat NXT/NXT UK Women’s Championship Unification match at Worlds Collide!
Short interview filled with boos as the newly-pink and blonde pig-tailed Stratton stated she wants winner of the unification match.
Tony D and Channing Lorenzo approach Del Toro, Wilde and Elektra–the remnants of the finally, sadly defunct Legado Del Fantasma after Santos Escobar lost last week and left NXT. Tony wants to test their loyalty after admitting they did everything but throw the kitchen sink at him last week to help Santos. But with Escobar gone, he’s willing to potentially let bygones be bygones. We go to break.
After the break, we return to find Indi Hartwell still in the ring, sitting on the apron. She’s distressed and contemplates giving up. Without warning, Dexter Lumis returns to NXT! In a very sweet moment, the two reunited; he carried his “wife” to the back and, right before being arrested, again, by the police as is the custom these days, he passed her a note telling her goodbye, for now (as he’s on Raw and she’s on NXT) and that he loved her. No, I’m not crying, you’re crying.
We get a short, but highly exciting and fast-paced match, between the two teams formerly known as Legado Del Fantasma and the Grizzled Young Veterans, respectively. Joaquin Wilde especially impresses, using a damn-near picture-perfect Tornado DDT to nearly secure the win. Cameron Grimes watches from the balcony, much as the Schism did during his match, and the distraction is just enough to actually throw off the D’Angelo Family, mistakenly, and hands the win to Joe Gacy’s faction. Your Winners, the Dyads!
We return from a break as Elektra Lopez, Cruz Del Toro (fka Raul Mendoza) and Joaquin Wilde are leaving the arena. All three are disgruntled with the state of affairs, especially after a post-match chewing-out from Tony D for losing. As they’re talking, a white SUV drives up. Santos Escobar is the driver and tells them to get in after asking them, “What? You didn’t think I’d leave without you, did you?” The crowd pops loud and chants for Legado as the foursome are reunited and drive off together, presumably to redder–or bluer–pastures!
The two-time, and final, NXT UK Champion in history is out first ahead of this match! Tyler Bate gets a great reception from the NXT Universe. Von Wagner is out, escorted by Robert Stone. A short match ensues that gives Wagner the lead early on. Commentary hype both competitors but. ultimately, Bate picks up the win after starting a comeback sequence with an old fashioned Bop & Bang. Bate unloads as Wagner reels then puts him away to pick up the easy win. Your Winner, NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate!
What’s a light’s out match? A no-DQ match with black-light (blue lighting). Still bright enough to see the ring well, and there’s a variety of weapons around the ring, both traditional and “bed time” themed, such as a tea pot and set. Choo takes the early lead, battering Stratton around the ring and in. Both women alternate control rather frequently, and both rely on weapons rather infrequently, considering. Choo’s wearing new ring gear–kiss the full body PJ’s goodbye. Choo, wearing a blue romper, gives way to Stratton as a backflip lands her right into the trashcan she, herself, wedged in the corner earlier. Stratton takes control and we go to break! During the break, Stratton maintains control and begins to lay into Choo with a steel chair. She batters Choo at ringside, beside a bed actually set up at the ramp and flush with the ring. We return from commercial break in time for overrun territory!
We return and Choo, running off of a rope rebound, runs into an Orton-style Powerslam. Choo uses a foreign object to slap on a submission, and Stratton holds on for several long moments as she attempts to crawl towards her purse–the ropes won’t do anything to break it in this match! She retrieves a can of what Barrett calls bear spray and blasts Choo in the face! Stratton is really impressing tonight, showcasing a more ruthless and violent style to match her new ring wear. She’s still “Daddy’s little girl” but looks like she got into his crank. Choo attempts to fight back and the two bring weapons back into it. Choo gains some separation with a big strike to Stratton and exits the ring to retrieve her body pillow. She uses the body pillow to smack a charging Stratton then removes the pillow’s insides–and empties Lego’s all over the mat! She then fetches another bag of Lego’s! Stratton pops up and takes control, scoop-slamming Choo onto the Lego’s! Ouch! The crowd chants for more and Tiff is quick to comply! Choo rolls to the outside and Stratton pursues after retrieving a jar from her purse. comply, doing it again! Stratton slows the pace down as we build to our ending. Stratton retrieves some powder and looks to blind Choo with it. Choo kicks the powder into Stratton’s face! Choo slams Stratton through the bed, breaking it in half! The crowd rips off a “holy shit” chant! Choo takes it inside, hits her finisher and puts away Stratton after a diving assault on top of the god-damn Lego’s! The crowd pops for a very interesting, new match and great main event! Your Winner, Wendy Choo!
Even as Choo’s music plays and she celebrates, we immediately cut to the back. In an office, a big table is set up. NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose, NXT UK Women’s Champion and legend Meiko Satomura each sign a contract, as does third-party Blair Davenport, formerly known as Bea Priestley. The camera pulls back to show NXT Champion Bron Breakker and NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate sign a contract as well.
Worlds Collide, which takes place Labor Day Weekend (aka, a week from Sunday) on Peacock Network, will essentially be a unification of the NXT and NXT UK brands. NXT UK will be shuttered and replaced at some point in 2023 (projected by Triple H) with NXT Europe. This means the current NXT UK Champions are also the final ones in the history of the brand. Regarding the premium live event, NXT Champion Bron Breakker faces NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate in a unification match. NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose takes on both NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura and Blair Davenport (fka Bea Priestley) in a triple-threat unification match. NXT Tag Team Champions the Creed Brothers will face NXT UK Tag Team Champions Briggs & Jensen in a unification bout. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter hinted at wanting competition for their NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship at Worlds Collide and while NXT UK doesn’t have an equivalent title, they’ve got ample roster…
Apollo Crews vs Grayson Waller. Six-person mixed tag match between NXT UK Champions Briggs & Jensen and Fallon Henley vs Pretty Deadly & Lash Legend. Six-man tag match between the Diamond Mine w/ Roddy Strong and Gallus.
And that does it for tonight’s episode. What were your thoughts about tonight’s show? Let us know down below. Stay safe out there, Rajahmaniacs. See you Friday night for SmackDown!
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