Six models of children's foam play mats were found to contain formamide -- which can cause skin irritation and rash -- at levels exceeding European standards by up to nine times, according to the Consumer Council.
The six models are Fairness Color Puzzle Play Mats at HK$45 a set; Daiso Joint Mat – Pink Puzzle Mat, costing HK$12; CuteZone C&Z Hello Kitty Kids Floor Mat, priced at HK$129; Topvalu puzzle mat at HK$60 a set; JapanHome Numbers Puzzle Mat at HK$50; and Baby Care Play Mat at HK$959.
In the report published Wednesday, the watchdog explained that the substance formamide may be used as an adjuvant foaming agent in manufacturing various foam materials and cited scientific evidence from animal testing that prolonged exposure may pose harm to an unborn fetus.
It is also moderately irritating to the skin and mucous membranes.
According to the council, the six models contained between 290mg/kg and 2,000mg/kg of formamide, exceeding the 200mg/kg upper limit set by the European Union.
Among these models, the nine colored foam materials of the JapanHome Numbers Puzzle Mat contained between 1,400mg/kg and 2,000mg/kg of formamide, exceeding the limit by as much as nine times.
The council called on the government to introduce restrictions on formamide content as it pointed out that both Shenzhen and Taiwan also limit the formamide content at 200mg/kg like the EU.
Meanwhile, the council also said they found six models of playmat that have small parts coming off during tension tests. The six models are the puzzle mats by Daiso; CuteZon C&Z; Topvalu; Xin Jia Hong, and JapanHome, and the roll mat by L!LFANT.
The puzzle mats by Xin Jia Hong cost HK$20 a set with 20 pieces, while the roll mat by L!LFANT costs HK$219.
The council added another three models of mat were detected with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – a harmful chemical commonly found in plastics, rubbers, and lubricating oils.
The three models are 3M Safety Puzzle Mat at HK$269 a set; Dwinguler Mat at HK$1,199 a piece, and Ikea PLUFSIG green yoga mat at HK$330 a piece.
The council advised parents to regularly clean and check the condition of the playmats to avoid accidents, especially for puzzle mats where hair or dust would be collected at the joints.
Parents are also advised to use adhesive tape or anti-slip glue to affix the mat for safety reasons and avoid exposing the mats to high temperatures or sunlight as it could accelerate the aging and discoloration of the mats.
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