These helpful tips should help players have a smoother experience next time on Rainbow Six Siege's Skyscraper map.
Fans of Rainbow Six looking for a rather unique take on a Rainbow Six Siege map can look no further than Skyscraper. Introduced in Operation Red Crow and reworked in Operation Neon Dawn, this map is set on top of a high-rise building, characterized primarily by its centerpiece mansion that demonstrates the beauty of Japanese architecture.
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While the Skyscraper Map stuns visually, both its interior and exterior components are a sight to behold and brimming with tactical opportunities that remain a signature of Rainbow Six. Unlike other parts of Rainbow Six Siege maps, players will have to fight not just their enemies but the almost-distracting beauty of the place - something they can use to their advantage. Just how should players approach playing in the Skyscraper Map?
Unlike other maps in Siege, the Skyscraper’s Japanese-style architecture is actually divided into two major locations and layouts on the inside - one restaurant and one residential area. While these are connected by two different rooms, the two setups do demand particularly different approaches, forcing both teams to adjust adequately to secure their victory. To do this, it helps to do the following:
Considering the rather playful area of Skyscraper, there are actually a lot of viable defensive maneuvers players could do to maximize the area coverage that they have. In terms of verticality, players can actually use the 2F Taiko balcony to get a height advantage in 1F Reception and 1F Restaurant, which greatly helps the defense. Likewise, high ceilings around the area immediately pave the way for device placements, making them perfect for cameras and traps.
Interestingly, players should also make use of how pathways are created to lead directly into objective windows. Since a lot of the area’s exteriors don’t have much cover, this can give Defenders direct lines of sight against enemies. Likewise, ceiling hatches in 1F objective sites can lead straight to 2F Geisha Room and 2F Work Office, allowing players to capitalize on the vertical maneuvering to kill opponents quickly.
Given the tight areas of Skyscraper, it helps for Defenders to know precisely where to secure each site - especially when it comes to denying entry for Attackers. That way, not only does it force Attackers to waste more time and resources, but also be particularly open to flanking opportunities. Here are some things to be wary of:
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Due to the close proximity of areas in Skyscraper, the area does provide a lot of opportunities for Defenders to stabilize their defensive measures and maximize the ways they can eliminate Attackers. Here are some ideal rat spots and chokeholds Defenders should use to ensure they can get the jump on enemies:
Given the tight-knit nature of places in Skyscraper, it helps to ensure the Defenders are made up of Operators who waste no time defending structures while being open for quick adjustments in defense. Since there’s not a lot of room to explore, there’s a focus on reconnaissance and hard defense here:
Unlike other maps, a lot of areas inside and outside Skyscraper are prone to peeking, especially depending on the angles being observed. For instance, 1F Helipad will lead to a rather peek-prone area near the left-side stair set, whereas the 1F Tower spawn can lead to another peek-prone point near 1F House Lobby.
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Likewise, players can use their rather “vulnerable” position to get the jump on potential peeking opponents, as well as look into key windows such as 2F Tea Room and 2F Exhibition - and maybe even score a few kills against those trying to catch a glimpse of the attackers. There’s also a western Tower near the 1F Helipad spawn that can give a direct line of sight to the 1F Kitchen, 1F BBQ, and 2F Karaoke. Aside from these, objective sites often have nearby doors, exterior windows, and drone holes that lead directly into them, making them viable exploit points.
When faced with extremely close rooms, Attackers shouldn’t just go fast and loose willy-nilly but instead also survey the area properly before deciding on an aggressive approach. Thankfully, there are a lot of ways Skyscraper could be used against the Defenders, especially when it comes to locations Attackers could use to get the jump on them:
Due to the close nature of the location, Skyscraper is ideal for Attackers who waste no time breaching through defenses to secure the objective. They’re expected to encounter heavy resistance, so Attackers in this regard should always be capable of either getting the jump on Defenders or at least leaving them defenseless. Ideal Operators are the following:
Since a lot of the objectives in Skyscraper have close-knit connections to other rooms, it would be extremely difficult for Attackers to dominate if the enemy knows they’re coming. To circumvent this threat, it could help for Attackers to instead use shock and awe to distract enemies fast enough to eliminate them before they could strike a counter-offensive:
Rainbow Six Siege was released in 2015 and is available for play on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows.
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Rhenn is a Manila-based content writer with a love for all things geek and pop culture, and science and technology. He has a BA Journalism degree, and has since then pursued making content about geek culture. Rhenn used to write for a couple of geek and gaming publications, and also served as editor-in-chief for Philippines-based What's A Geek!. He constantly plays video games but also takes the time to try out older titles. If he's not playing video games, he's probably playing TTRPGs.