The Berkshires' Classic Hits Station
The school year is coming up quickly and with that in mind, today is the final day to register to get free school supplies for your kids in north county. Any help getting the kids ready is a big plus in my book. Any child going to school kindergaten through twelth grade is eligiblefor this program.
The kids will receive a backpack and they get to fill the backpack with school supplies they pick out themselves!
You have to register today by calling NBTT at 412-663-7588. Supplies will be limited so make sure you register and come early.
The giveaways will happen for Florida & Savoy on Tuesday, August 16th from 5-6 pm, at Gabriel Abbott Memorial School, 56 North County Rd Florida MA.
For families in Williamstown, Clarksburg, North Adams, Adams & Cheshire those giveaways will be done Thursday, August 18th at the Terra Nova Church, 85 Main Street North Adams from 1-3 PM.
Be sure to call or email and register your family by the end of the day today. Call them: 413-663-7588 or email
In the Pittsfield area, Berkshire Money Management is once again giving out backpacks and school supplies to children • 161 Main Street, Dalton (Berkshire Money Management) • 75 S. Church Street, Pittsfield (Eagle parking) • 141 West Avenue, Gr. Barrington (Family Resource Centers) While Supplies Last, Registration for these events are not required. Backpacks will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.