Do any of you belong to a union or had a family member who was a part of one? They have become more common with Amazon workers voting to unionize not that long ago. A Missouri library has become the first in the state to do so.
The employees at Daniel Boone Regional Library in Columbia, by a vote to 101 to 55, have voted to unionize. There's a 10-day challenge period before the election is certified, said Todd Smith, chairman of the State Board of Mediation, which conducted the election. Smith said there has never been a challenge during his five years with the State Board of Mediation.
For anyone who may not be familiar with what unions do, or what is the purpose of unions are, union members work together to negotiate and enforce a contract with management that guarantees the things you care about like decent raises, affordable health care, job security, and a stable schedule. Better workplaces and working conditions without the fear of retaliation.
You can read a bit more about this story HERE. Daniel Boone Regional Library Workers United will be part of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union. The library is also celebrating it's 100th year.
When I was younger, I spent a fair amount of time in libraries. It was a quiet place to study, they now have easy access to internet for those who perhaps don't have access to it, and there are a lot of programs available for kids and adults. Many of the employees there do not get enough credit for the work they do. Do you think that the Sedalia public library employees should attempt to do the same? Feel free to share your thoughts.