Programs this week, as well as other library activities, the Week of Sept. 11 include:
Main Library, 201 S. Fountain Ave., Springfield, 937-328-6903
· Seek and Find: Acorns: Month of September - Can you find the images of acorns hidden around the Lenski Children’s Center? See the staff person at the desk for a prize after you’ve found them all. Ages 3-18 (and still in school).
· Beginner Ukulele for Adults: 1 p.m. Monday - REGISTRATION IS FULL. Instructor Linda Bowshier will teach this free 6-week class in the Gaier Room for adults.
· Adults Who Read YA Book Club: 6:30 p.m. Monday - If you’re an adult who loves to read YA – this is the club for you! Meet with fellow readers and share your favorite young adult novels. To be held in Meeting Room No. 4.
· Little Blossoms Storytime: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday - This storytime engages babies and toddlers with books and learning through stories, music, movement and a simple craft idea to help develop fine motor skills. For ages birth to 2.5 years. Held in the Gaier Room.
· Little Sprouts Storytime: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday - Led by a professional staff librarian, this storytime prepares preschoolers for later reading success through interactive stories, songs, rhymes, a craft idea and other fun activities to promote early literacy. For ages 3-5. Held in the Gaier Room.
· Hiit to be Fit: 2 p.m. Tuesday - Join Marian Plank (NASM, CPT, CNC) for a free full body workout combining elements of strength and cardio set to a fun, upbeat soundtrack. Bring yourself and a mat! For adults.
· The War in Ukraine: Past is Present: 6 – 7:45 p.m. Tuesday - Christian Raffensperger will talk about the past of the region and how it impacts the present war, including analyzing the claims made by Vladimir Putin, and talking about where the conflict may end. This is part of the Margaret Ermarth Institute for the Public Humanities at Wittenberg University – Knowledge Shared Series, co-sponsored with the Springfield Area Institute for Lifelong Learning.
· Sweet Stitchers: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesday - Do you love to sew, knit or crochet, and do you like sweets? Bring your supplies to this club and we’ll supply the treats. Your finished items will be given to a local charity. For adults at all skill levels.
· Pen to Paper: Be a Game Master!: 6 - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday - Find your inner Game Master in this workshop hosted by Greyson Sanders from Wittenberg University. Learn key elements of tabletop roleplaying or “pen-to-paper” games and create your own campaign! For all skill levels of adults in Meeting Room 1 and 2.
· Practiced Writer’s Atelier: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday - In this monthly workshop for local and experienced writers, you’ll find support by networking with fellow writers and receiving feedback on your work. Led by Greyson Sanders of Wittenberg University. For adults.
· Graphics: A Graphic Novel Club: 6 p.m. Thursday - Talk about and share which graphic novels you like the most, compare what you like about them, and practice drawing your own comics! For ages 12-18 (still in high school). In Lenski Program Room.
· Rose City Roleplayers: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday - You will be shown the ins and outs of tabletop roleplaying games in this bi-weekly meetup in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2. For adults 18 and over (out of high school).
· Teen Game Club: 6 p.m. Wednesday - Join in to play a variety of video games, board games and card games in the Lenski Program Room. Ages 13-18.
Enon Branch, 209 E. Main St., Enon, 937-864-2502
· Piece By Piece - Adults: library hours – rotating puzzle. Come spend as much or as little time to help put together this community project. The puzzle will remain until it has been completed. A new puzzle will be selected to replace it.
· Library Bingo: September 1 – October 31 - Stop by the library during regular hours and pick up a game card. Complete 5 activities on the card to create your own one-of-a-kind bingo. Return the completed card for a chance to win a small prize. For teens and adults.
· Book Bingo: September 1 – September 29 - Stop by the library during regular hours and pick up a game card. Complete 5 activities on the card to create your own one-of-a-kind bingo. Return the completed card for a chance to win a small prize. For ages 12 and under.
· Between the Covers Book Club: 6:30 p.m. Monday - This group meets monthly in the Meeting Room. This month’s selection is The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg. Books available at the Enon Branch. Contact the branch for more information on how to sign up.
· Storytime-Toddler Time: 10 a.m. Wednesday - Library-awareness program to acquaint your child with the wonderful world of books. Most storytimes are theme-based and will include music and movement along with a simple craft. For ages 2 and 3.
· Storytime-Preschool Pals: 11 a.m. Wednesday - Library-awareness program to acquaint your child with the wonderful world of books. Most storytimes are theme-based and will include music and movement along with a simple craft. For ages 4 and 5.
· Community of Crafters-Knitters & Crocheters: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday - Come share ideas and knowledge and problem-solve with others. You may even participate in a service project. Feel free to bring one of your current projects with you. For adults.
Houston Branch, 5 W. Jamestown St., South Charleston, 937-462-8047
· LEGO Club: 3:30 p.m. Monday - Bring your friends and have a great time being creative. LEGOs provided and final creations will be on display until the following month. For school-age children.
· Storytime: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Thursday - Program introduces toddlers and preschoolers to books, rhymes, music and crafts and teaches them how to interact with other children their age. Please call to register.
Park Branch, 1119 N. Bechtel Ave., Springfield, 937-322-2498
· Storytime: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Thursday - Together we will share stories, sing, move to music and make a craft. It’s a perfect chance to learn how to interact with other children ages 2-5. Parent or caregiver must be present with each child.