With the birth of a baby, the world of young parents changes dramatically. The life of the newly minted mom and dad is filled with new colors and sensations, there is a reassessment of values.
Along with the transformation of the inner world, the surrounding space also changes. Mom and dad strive to create a cosy nest for their baby, which can give the newborn a sense of security and warmth.
It is known that even at 7-8 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother is going through a period of “nesting”. During this period, a woman begins to actively equip a room for a baby, being especially sensitive to details: a beautiful picture on the wall, cute curtains, pink or blue bows, etc.
What should be the room for a newborn so that he can feel as comfortable in it as in his mother’s tummy?
Based on our own experience and the recommendations of professionals, we will consider the main points in the issue of arranging a children’s room for a newborn.
Eco-friendly materials. Making repairs in the children’s room, choose eco-friendly natural materials. Try to finish the repair 2-3 weeks before the baby arrives, leaving time for the weathering of extraneous odours of finishing materials.
The baby’s room should be clean. Dust is a strong allergen, especially for a newborn who is going through a difficult period of adaptation to the outside world, and is only building up his immunity. Forgo carpets and opt for smooth or short pile carpeting that is easy to keep clean. Small knick-knacks on the shelves will also increase the time of daily cleaning because they will need to be dusted on them.
In the children’s room, curtains or blinds on the windows will be desirable. Bright sunlight in the future can interfere with the baby’s sleep. In addition, opaque curtains will keep the room pleasantly cool on a hot summer day.
Also, windows must be equipped with mosquito nets. The children’s room must be regularly ventilated, and in the summer it is necessary to keep the window open all the time for constant access to fresh air in the room. Anti-mosquito nets will not allow annoying insects to get inside.
Plants, no doubt, have a beneficial effect on the child. Many of them absorb toxins, have phytoncide properties, and are even able to strengthen the immune system. But when choosing flowers for a newborn’s nursery, you should be aware of the possible danger.
Strongly smelling plants are unacceptable for the nursery. Among them are oleander, lilies, and gardenias. They can cause allergies and even fainting. Flowers in the nursery tend to grow with the baby and it is important to remember that the baby will soon want to independently explore the leafy flowers in his room. Euphorbia and ficus have poisonous juice, and cactus have sharp thorns. These plants should also not be present in the children’s room.
Choosing a crib is an important and very responsible task for future parents. After all, it is in the crib that the baby will spend most of his time.
Give preference to natural wood furniture. If the crib is painted, make sure that only safe paints are used. They will not exude a chemical smell and will not harm the baby.
The mattress for a newborn should be hard enough. This is necessary for the correct formation of a fragile spine. Coconut coir is one of the most popular fillers for children’s mattresses. Such a mattress provides the necessary rigidity and is hypoallergenic, which is extremely important for a child. It also “breathes” perfectly, providing a pleasant microclimate in the crib.
The cover is just as important. Natural “breathable” fabric will provide the necessary air circulation, allowing the child to feel comfortable during sleep and play.
A mattress topper would be a desirable purchase. It will not only protect the mattress from getting wet but will also become a comfortable surface for baby massage, gymnastics or just for regular “barefoot”.
A mobile over a crib is just as important as a mattress or bedding. Multi-coloured toys circling in a leisurely dance to the sound of a lullaby not only soothe the baby, but also develop his emotional intelligence, and visual and sound perception.
Provide a place for baby care, daily massage, and diaper change. Keep in mind that in addition to a place for the baby, there should be a place with care accessories within the reach of the mother. The ideal solution is a changing chest. It, as a rule, provides a place not only for the swaddle itself but also has a free area where the mother can store creams, wet wipes and other things necessary for caring for the child. The chest of drawers also provides drawers for the child’s things. The combination of a chest of drawers and a changing pad allows you to rationally use the space in the children’s room without cluttering it with unnecessary furniture.
If you already have a beautiful chest of drawers that fits perfectly into the interior of the room, just complement it with an oversized changing mat.
A night light is a must in a child’s room. A sensitive mother, who will not miss even a light squeak of her beloved baby, will visit the nursery more than once during the night. The soft light of the night lamp will not disturb the child and will help the mother to control the situation. A switch with a rheostat for the main light will not be superfluous. This simple device will allow you to adjust the intensity of lighting, avoiding bright annoying light when it is not desired.
This device will allow mom to monitor the situation in the nursery and give a few extra minutes to relax. Often it is enough for a baby just to hear his mother’s voice to calm down. Without looking up from her work, the mother can sing a couple of lines of a lullaby to the baby, which will again plunge him into a sweet dream.
Take care of a comfortable place in the nursery for mom. Enjoying the company of her newborn happiness, mom will spend more than one hour in the nursery, just admiring her favourite lump or telling his first tales. A comfortable small sofa will allow mom to also take a nap in the baby’s room. If necessary, a baby play mat will be good entertainment for the child while the mom is busy with her own business. For feeding and just a peaceful rest, a rocking chair is perfect, on which the mother can not only fully relax, but also rock the baby, plunging her into a sweet dream in the arms of her beloved mother.
For the comfort and well-being of the baby, the microclimate in the nursery is very important. In a cool room (19-210 C) with an optimal level of humidity (40-60%), the baby’s sleep will be sweet and strong, and his mood will be cheerful.
To ensure the necessary level of humidity in the nursery, a humidifier is useful. This device will be especially relevant in the winter season when heaters dry the air. Dry air contains a lot of dust, and microbes move freely, having every chance to settle in a baby’s overdried nose. The humidifier maintains the desired humidity, and some models also ozonize the air, disinfecting it.
A newborn baby carefully studies the world around him, learning it. Take care of a few bright pictures in the interior of the nursery, colorful toys in the field of view of the baby. Bright colors and cheerful images contribute to the development of visual and emotional perception of the child, allowing him to develop harmoniously and love the new world for him.
Let the first room of the crumbs be bright and spacious. So, it will not only be cozy and peaceful, but will also be ready for replenishment in the interior: very soon the baby will get new toys, a high chair, a playpen and other necessary things for a happy childhood.
A children’s room is a whole world for a newborn baby. Approach its arrangement responsibly and remember that the key to its comfort is family harmony and the boundless love of the main people for the baby – mom and dad. Love to you and inspiration in the arrangement of the children’s room!
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