It’s the weekend, but there are fun things to do every day of the week! What’s in store this week around the Hill (and beyond)?
Tonight it’s another Funky Friday Night Market, so make sure you check it out, from 4-9 p.m.! Visit your favorites, make new friends, grab a bite along one of the many restaurants on 7th and make it a wonderful late summer night!
The DC Jazz Festival is THIS WEEK!!!! It runs from August 31 through September 4 and it promises to be amazing. Most of the venues will be around the Wharf, but you know there is jazz year-round at Mr. Henry’s. Check out the line-up here and download the app for iOs and for Android.
Crazy Aunt Helen’s has Storytime show with Tara Hoot every Saturday at 10 a.m. For more details and to RSVP, click here.
Remember that in addition to our beloved Eastern Market, we have a new outdoor market close to the ballpark, the Half Street Central Farm Market, 9:30 am-1pm every Saturday. More info here.
Tuesdays during the month of August, starting August 9, you can do yoga at The Yards. Called the Sundeck Salutation Series, this free class goes from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. And if you show up early, you can receive a branded yoga block for your own daily practice. Don’t forget water and a mat! More info and RSVP here.
The Pie Shop has music as hot and tasty as their pies almost every night of the week. Check out their lineup over here and either make it a date night or grab a friend or two and go get your groove on!
Did you know the U. S. Capitol holds Capitol Conversations on weekdays at 1 p.m.? These virtual sessions are informative and fun–– a neat opportunity to learn something new while you eat your lunch. Register for Capitol Conversations here.
On Tuesday, August 30, why not take some time from the comfort of home to learn more about the Equal Rights Amendment– an amendment that will hopefully have its day sometime soon. A Tour of their Own leads it. More details and tickets here.
Are you a Studio Ghibli fan? The Japanese animation studio has created movies that are touching, funny, mesmerizing and more akin to watching a moving painting than a cartoon. More info and tickets here.
The Hillwood Estate has a wonderful exhibit of Princess Grace of Monaco’s Dior gowns and assorted mementos. Following in the theme, you can catch “Rear Window” as part of their outdoor series, tomorrow August 19. Become intensely paranoid as you develop a mega crush on Grace Kelly– but especially on her oh-so- New Look gowns as she plays New York socialite Lisa, nursing her photojournalist boyfriend back to health. More details and information here.
We may chuckle at the rebranding of Crystal City as National Landing or NaLa, but hey––it’s catchy. If you want to catch an outdoor movie, you can do so starting tonight at Movies in the Park. Tonight’s movie has been rescheduled, but more information and details here.
Last week, we talked about what might inspire you to trek all the way out to Georgetown from Capitol Hill, or from the east side of town altogether. Most of you didn’t think Georgetown Cupcake was worth the visit. More of you felt that Baked and Wired would be the winner. But whatever you do, make sure you check out Neighbors DC, a pop-up market that supports small businesses and has a series of events– like Vinyasa flow yoga starting on August 28. They are open from 5-9 p.m. on Fridays and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m on Saturdays and Sundays. More info here.
Don’t forget: the Live, on the Hill series is taking an August break, but they’ll be back in September, starting September 2. On September 9, come listen to a thoroughly local band called The Love Station. All shows start at 5 p.m. at Eastern Market Metro Plaza, on the south side of Pennsylvania Avenue SE, right by the metro entrance.
On Saturday, September 17, help Crazy Aunt Helen’s welcome Gina Schaefer of A Few Cool Hardware Stores (a.k.a. Frager’s parent company) as she talks about her debut book, “Recovery Hardware.” More details and tickets here.
Are you a musician seeking a wonderful place to play? You may want to audition for the Capital City Symphony, based out of the Atlas Performing Arts Center. Incidentally, CCS’s season opener is October 16, with An Artist in the World. More details here.
A new interactive experience is coming to Rhode Island Center, the space right off Rhode Island Avenue Metro, where the Van Gogh exhibit was earlier this year. The experience is called DINOS ALIVE and it looks like it’s gonna be a great hit for the younger set (and their tired, devoted parents). Dinos Alive is coming in October, but you can get tickets here.
Get tickets to The Till Trilogy at Mosaic Theater Company. This collection of three works focuses on the 1955 murder of Emmet Till, a 14-year old child who was tortured and killed for allegedly offending a white woman. For more information and tickets, click here. The Till Trilogy runs October 4- November 20 at the Atlas Performing Arts Center.
On September 10, get ready to ride! The DC Bike Ride is happening all over town and you can join. Kids under seven ride for free and youth pays half price. Enjoy a blissful car-free day and see the city from a unique perspective. Check out the course map here. For more information and tickets, click here.
Another wonderful film festival coming in late September is the March on Washington Film Festival. If there has ever been a time to reflect, learn and uphold the courage of those seeking for equality and fighting for basic rights, it is now. Learn more about the festival and their mix of in-person and online screenings here.
If you’ve never tuned in to a chat from the U. S. Botanic Garden, you may want to change that this coming October 8. TikTok/Instagram sensation, @blackforager (a.k.a. Alexis Nikole Nelson) will be demonstrating how to cook with acorns and you’re not going to want to miss it. Alexis is funny, charming, engaging and very knowledgeable about all the delicious eats in your backyard. Register here.
Do you love beer? Do you love events that are just a short stroll downhill from our beloved neighborhood? Then Snallygaster— celebrating 10 years of wonderful beer merriment this year– is surely your jam. This year’s iteration happens October 8 on Pennsylvania Avenue, between 3rd and 6th Streets NW. More tickets and information here. We are told tickets are going fast: last year it was very crowded but also a lot of fun, so get your beer buds together for suds.
By Maria Helena Carey No Comments Views