The District IV Iron Wars will take place this Saturday in Twin Falls. All high school students who want to show off their strength and win some money for their school should be ready to lift.
District IV Iron Wars will be at HCC Gym located at 2333 Addison Avenue and weigh-ins begin at 7 am. Team up with your school and compete for money for your weight room. The competition is based on the deadlift, bench press, and squats. There will be schools all around the area competing for the money.
Athletes weigh in on Saturday, August 6th at 7 am. Young men and young women will compete based on their weight classes and pound-for-pound individual weight class awards and prizes. That will also contribute to your school team in hopes to take the win back to their school.
The cost to register is $30 dollar per participant. For the school that gets the win for District IV, they win $4000 dollars for their weight room. Individual prizes vary but the $4000 dollars was donated by Bishop Barbell
You can register the day of at HCC Gym at weigh-ins. You can also go online to their Instagram @iron.war or @gritathletictraining. Teams from Kimberly, Canyon Ridge, Twin Falls High School, Glens Ferry, Raft River are just some of the teams participating in the grand prize. It won't be long before we find out which school is the strongest, literally.
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