Mum makes wheelchair for toddler with broken leg using Kmart chair | Daily Mail Online

2022-06-18 18:51:45 By : Ms. lisa tu

By Belinda Cleary For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 17:52 EDT, 14 June 2022 | Updated: 17:59 EDT, 14 June 2022

A mum has revealed how she threw together an epic DIY wheelchair for her two-year-old son after he broke his leg on a backyard adventure with his beloved kitten. 

Crystal Jackson, from Cairns in north Queensland, quickly realised she would never be able to keep her very active toddler Malachi still while his leg heals.

Similar aids cost upwards of $1300, while Crystals makes the most of a discarded chair and $16 memory foam cushion.

A mum has revealed how she threw together an epic DIY wheelchair for her two-year-old son Malachi after he broke his leg on a backyard adventure with his beloved kitten

She realised it would be impossible to keep him still so made the cart in just two days

So instead of stressing the mum threw together odds and ends from Kmart and Bunnings to build him a sweet set of wheels.

The low rider chair allows the 'almost three-year-old' to get around on his own and the independence to be able to head out on his never-ending adventures.

Speaking with FEMAIL the busy mum explained Malachi could be stuck in the cast for some time, because doctors plan to put on another specialist cast once his bones have realigned with help from the current one.

'We will find out how long it will take to fix once he is in he new cast,' she said.

The very adventurous toddler still manages to 'climb all over' his mum when he isn't zipping around in the purpose-built chair.

Crystal posted pictures and videos of the home-made chair to Facebook on Saturday, explaining how she upcycled old Kmart chairs for the job.

The chair is fashioned out of an old Kmart chair - which had 'wobbly legs' but was perfect for the job

Crystal bought big wheels and bolted them on to a Bunnings moving board, before adding the chair

'The legs were wobbly so we didn't use it. The seat size is perfect, giving his leg support,' she said.

She added a memory foam cushion for comfort and then bolted the chair to a furniture moving board from Bunnings.

To this she attached the large wheels, and an axle, making the whole thing 'low to the ground so he can get in and out himself to play on his mat with his toys'.

Crystal said  her son could be relegated to the chair for a while - as doctors haven't given a clear time frame of how long he will be in a cast 

'We have a handle however decided not to put it on as he will only be using it at home and when we pop in for a social play at daycare,' she said.

'I put black foam on the back to secure the wheels and stop little fingers.'

She said she also has a seatbelt for the chair but decided against putting it on.

The chair was up and running just two days after the adventurous little boy hurt himself, a fact which earned the mum lots of recognition online. 

'Necessity is the mother of invention, great idea mum. Hope little man recovers quickly,' one woman wrote on the post - adding the chair will make an epic go-kart later.

'Hope it really helps him and recovery is smooth! I hear you, my son turns three at end of June!! They. Don't. Stop.' said another.

Even Malachi's kitten has given the chair his seal of approval

'Awesome invention great job mum. Looks like he approves.'

Crystal had looked to buy something similar but decided to try her hand at making something after seeing them retail at $1300-a-pop.

Malachi's furry friend, a playful grey kitten, appears to have given the chair his seal of approval too - although prefers to have the wheels to himself.

Crystal said she is thankful the accident didn't end in disaster for her playful little lad.

'It could have been so much worse.. the ambulance officers and everyone at the hospital has been amazing with him,' she said.

The youngster is looking forward to heading to daycare to show-off his cast and wheelchair.

'We're visiting on Monday to he can see his friends. He has been sick for 3 weeks prior to this,' Crystal revealed.

She said she wanted to share her work to help inspire any other parents in the same position.

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