The City of Kalamazoo has a fun "bike rodeo" set up for Wednesday, May 11th at the ballpark (Mayor's Riverfront Park). In reality, it's a bike clinic, and the goal is to make kids' bikes safer and also to pass some free stuff out.
One of the highlights is using a bike as a blender, and making cider or berry slushies. And at 7pm, when the event is over, being able the on the edges of the baseball diamond (weather permitting).
Here's the specifics: This free bike "rodeo" clinic is from 5pm to 7pm on May 11th and the city says they'll be working on biking skills with the kids and also be offering up safety checks on the bikes and related gear.
This is where parents can (and should) get involved, by bringing the kids and having both their bikes and helmets checked for fit, and overall, for safety. Public Safety officers will be on site for that and will be running a Bike Safety Course, that will have a number of stations setup, teaching any number of biking skills.
The City also says the biking group Open Roads will be providing "a bike fixing station for bikes that need minor repairs or tune ups" and that might be the most useful thing at the event. The organization "Fresh Food is Fun" is behind the bike blender.
And yes, there was a mention of free stuff. The City says each kid will get a goodie bag with a water bottle, bike light, and reflective spoke sticks. For kids who don't have them, there will be 100 bike helmets provided at no cost to those who don’t have their own. And if that isn't enough, there's going to give away four bikes.