In Local News / By Pan Eu Jin / 10 August 2022 7:25 pm / 29 comments
The transport ministry, which has said it will be stepping up efforts to curb illegal motorcycle racing in the country, is looking to impose heavier penalties on Mat Rempits involved in such activities through an amendment of Section 42 of the Road Transport Act 1987. The act has been amended in the recent past to penalise drunk drivers.
The new amendments seek to raise the minimum fine for these offenders from RM300 to between RM5,000 and RM10,000. The fines will also be accompanied by jail time, and deservedly so, but that’s not all. The revised laws will also seek to go after those affiliated with the Mat Rempits such as parents who allow their children under 18 years to participate in illegal racing activities. The same will apply to spectators as well.
Even the workshops that modify motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits will be held responsible and can have their workshop licenses revoked, as reported yesterday.
The ministry said it will also consider allowing insurance companies to access its database to impose higher insurance premiums on Mat Rempits involved in illegal racing, according to Bernama. The police and road transport department (JPJ) will place cameras at illegal racing hotspots to help hunt down renegade racers, starting with Penang. If it’s successful, the initiative will be implemented in other states.
As we’ve reported recently, peer pressure is among the reasons that had led the youth to participate in illegal racing activities, based on the findings of a three-year research by Seri Alam police deputy chief Mohd Roslan Mohd Tahir.
These local rempit kids are dangerous threats and nuisance to themself and also the general society i.e. fellow road users. BN govt should open 24hour round the clock library w sports and gaming facility in all daerah. Like my dear old kampung folks in Bagan datok used to say.. sudah besar susahkan orang , kecik kecik tak mau mat…
Hello..go perpustakaan ? U must be kidding. We dont negotiate with rempits.THEY KILL POLICEMAN on duty during races. Use SOSMA,lock them up for 6 months. Rempits are A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
Kecik-kecik x mau mati, there I said it for you. Don’t be shy to use such words.
Copy paste Bob Marley: “Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!”
Good but must destroy the motorcycles!
Simple…gather intelligence..go to routine places and start rounding up all the rempits..lock up under Sosma. Dont wait till races about to start..too late..innocent grandma or uncle in their paths die.Policeman also may die. In lock up..they can rempit all night long. The rogue workshops..dont just batal licence..bulldoze them hancur hancur kau kau. Have u seen a video of Ah Kow rempit in Shanghai? If u r caught..Xi will send u straight to firing squad.
most workshop be it for bike/cars dont have license … how to batal?
Copy paste: “There is no effective solution to a social issue. Just as cannabis usage in the West have been problematic, now it is legalised and problem automatically solved. So with this view, we could similarly legalise rempitting and voila problem automatically solved.
Follow the Western liberalisation. Too much punishments & draconian laws will bring us backwards compared to our peers. This is the real peer pressure.”
Copy paste Bob Marley: “Herb(ganja) is the healing of the nation, alcohol is the destruction.”
If they legalised Rempiting… Then they should also legalised ramming into Rempits…. lol.
Then we can go hunting for Rempits like how the Brazillians are hunting for car robbers on the roads and intentionally crashing them with intention to kill.
Problem is, the bike still on installment with the bank… grant belum dapat lagi.
Datuk Seri Hutang Bank dont give u a shit or damn. They blacklist u seumur hidup n sue u until u tak boleh tahan.
No need jail. it will cost tax payer money also. Just dont give them petrol subsidy.
So they will not breed like stray cat.
Nah…higher fine does not mean anything. Just like when they increase the fine for some offences last time and some offence must straight go to court. People still commit the offences.
What they should do is to strip the ownership of the bike if its legally owned and then auctioned it. At least can guarantee got income rather than imposing fine at amount they know mat rempit cant afford. The person is to undergo community service. One thing these rempit held high is their dignity. Nothing more humiliating than making them do community service and viral the thing.
Oh, dont forget…Give greenlight to authority to open fire at any fleeing mat rempit.
Yep..I sokong.Community service. For 6 months,go to sekolah menengah to wash toilet after budak besar pangsai. Everyday,get a dose of shit poo. If still rempitting,then lockup uder SOsma..they r a threat to society.
motorbikes not cheap now. They have so much money then should not subsidize them petrol. T20 uses the petrol go to work to earn more money and contribute more as income tax, government never appreciates and wants to cut their subsidiary. But government wants to subsidize all these society rubbish to waste their time and energy on the road to endanger other road users!
Impose heavier penalties but without enforcement ? Send more police to ronda and catch them better than impose heavier penalties.
For them, without enforcement, the penalties is just a talk
Your brother likely a hardcore rempit. Police ronda ,catch them..then what? Play snake n ladder with them,kah? What a piece of shit joke.
They have also seeking heavy punishment for bribe takers for politicians. So far how many punished?
Good to see harsher punishments now. However, there must be a clear definition to separate illegal racers to an innocent road user travelling home at that time.
Don’t want to end up punishing the wrong people.
I saw the news last night, an interviewee actually said the saman shouldn’t be 5k cause then he will have to work a few months to pay it off. That simply means he is ok to commit the offence. Oh my god..
Must ensure the proper enforcement took place including compulsory Rotan, otherwise only sound good on paperwork, wayang for rakyat only….
Ya.. Must put them to jail n increase the fine to minimum Rm5K for the Mat Rempit… Just same punishment like the drunk drivers.. Police have to enforce all these ruling.. In Malaysia what rule also no use if no enforsement
their lawyer will appeal for lighter sentence and say that these people are sole breadwinners. they will need to take care of their aged parents, siblings, wife and kids. so the Court will be soft hearted and let them go with a lighter sentence. they always use the same story and tactics. when they are raising, they didn’t think about all that.
They should be fined similar to drink driving. All nuisance and causing unnecessary danger.
Apasai korang semua salahkan rempit? Merempit ni dah dilakukan berpuluh-puluh tahun. Masa I kat sekolah dulu pun dah buat setiap malam sabtu. Tu pun dah lebih 20 tahun lalu.
Ni sekarang baru nak kata ni lah, tu lah….
Biarlah kami buat apa yang kami suka…
Ya benar tuan. Jika kecelakaan itu berlaku tak menyusahkan atau melibatkan kematian pengguna lain xpe.
Cth kalo mampos blh trus msuk dlm lori sampah xpe. Ni nak kne habiskan duit kariah masjid je nk kebumi rempit yg syahid tu. Tu blom lg nk kne korek mana2 tabung keluarga nak buat tahlil 1,3,7, 40 smpi 100 hari lagi.
Dan satu lagi tuan, dlu punya mat motor x de la bodo piang mcm skrg ni. Berbeza sgt tu tuan.
Harap penerangan ini dapat mencaknakan minda tuan.
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