In Local News / By Danny Tan / 18 April 2022 10:46 am / 58 comments
The police will be continuous monitoring throughout the country to keep Mat Lajak cyclists off the road. This was declared by Bukit Aman traffic investigation and enforcement department (JSPT) director Comm Datuk Mat Kasim Karim, who told The Star that the mods to the bicycles are outrageous and they should not be on the road.
“Modifications made to these bicycles are outrageous. These bikes should not be on the road as they do not follow the specifications,” he said, referring to the “mosquito bikes” a.k.a. “basikal lajak” used by Mat Lajak, modded for speed and Superman-style stunts. No brakes, too.
Of course, Mat Lajaks are in the news because of the last week’s high court sentencing of Sam Ke Ting to six years jail for reckless driving (that’s the charge, not our words). That tragic 2017 incident saw the death of eight boys riding modified bicycles on a major road in JB in the wee hours of the morning.
Mat Kasim said action would be taken against those who break the rules, but advised parents to be more involved in their children’s activities. “Parents have a role to play; so does the local community. We don’t want the same tragedy to happen again,” he said.
JSPT principal assistant director Supt Bakri Zainal Abidin said 156 Mat Lajak were arrested in 2019 and 2020. Over 60% of the cases involved children age 12 and below, and most of them were caught in KL and Selangor. All their bikes were confiscated. However, no arrests were made last year due to the movement control order.
After this menace resurfaced in the mainstream because of Sam’s case, many videos of Mat Lajak and their antics on the road appeared on social media, but Bakri said that many of them are old videos that resurfaced. “However, we will continue to monitor such activities nationwide,” he said.
The JSPT cop also said that Mat Lajak activities seemed to have subsided when the authorities started to take action against parents for negligence under the Child Act. In 2019, action was taken against six parents for leaving their children unsupervised, and this seemed to have worked.
It’s hard to find a bright side to Sam’s case – eight lives were claimed, she’s probably mentally scarred for life, and now has to face years in jail and the public glare – but perhaps the spotlight on Mat Lajak and their parents will put an end to this dangerous activity. Here’s hoping.
As for the rest of us, time to install a dash cam.
She did not kill them. They choose to endanger their own life.
She murdered EIGHT children in a well lit road.
The brats had no business being on the highway at 3am! 13-16 years old kids should be in fed at that hour
She also has no business being on the highway at 3am!
agreed. starts amending new law banned all cars on the road after sunset. Only mosquito bicycle is allowed on road from sunset till sunrise.
Kids better be warned. Once Malaysian Vigilante Logic wins Im getting my gun ready and coming for all your children. DREDD HAS SPOKEN.
Doctors recommend everyone should get up to 8 hours of sleep per night to feel rested; Adults, 26 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours. Being still up at 3am indicates some form of sleep apnea that in prolonged cases could lead lack of alertness (very important if one is driving), excessive sleepiness (or drowsiness during waking moments), lack of sleep can also affect the ability to think, remember and process information (very dangerous if one is driving), stress (where one could make bad judgement calls), & greater likelihood for car accidents. Drowsy driving accounts for thousands of crashes, injuries and fatalities each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Doctor’s advice, don’t be driving or riding at 3am.
People should take the good doctor’s good advice. Perhaps in a multiverse somewhere a more responsible Sam might have killing the boys, and no such huuhaa existed.
People should take the good doctor’s good advice. Perhaps in a multiverse somewhere a more responsible Sam might not have killed the boys, and no such huuhaa existed.
Nah, the kid’s mother did that. Don’t blame others if they failed to protect their own kids.
Then can I say the kids committed suicide?
Tragic on both fronts. Lets hope to see better enforcement and more common sense.
Sick & Tired is right. I better find ways to get a gun and get it ready just in case Malaysian logic wins out.
Murder involved planned premeditated action.Use your blardy brains,like Ajibkor said.She didnt go there on purpose to obliterate them like Putin.Next time,u kill 8 cows,is it murder,bodo?
You should take your own advice and stop talking like you got any brains. Murder can be premediated and unmediated depending on intentions. This is unmediated but still murder nonetheless. If that f*cking driver did not drove at buta malam 3am, did not drive highspeeds, was better aware on the road, she would not have MURDERED those kids!
Avenger, let me rephrase: “If those f*cking kids did not cycle at buta malam 3am, did not cycle at highspeeds, were better aware of road safety, they would not have been KILLED by a car!”
Copy paste: “Those idiots that supports Sam’s to be free, voice out please, tell us WHY IS SHE GOING EXTREMELY FAST ON THE ROAD AT 3AM ?”
So if it were 8 cows instead of kids, the cows would have been KILLED by a car. See the fallacy of your logic trying to rephrase? The problem isn’t the kids or the cows but the car itself. If the car wasn’t there, neither the kids nor cows would be KILLED. So the car is the problem.
There are more drivers play hand phone while driving, on drugs, no driver’s license, overloaded cars, illegal mods, rempit bikers, not wearing helmet on motorcycles, running red lights.. not only drunk, but any type of offences regards who they are.
until then, have a nice day. And If I see you crossing my path…
don’t catch us, we drink for holistic health purpose This indicates the major seriousness of road offenses are caused by drunken drivers and not kids on basikal lajaks.
How come this kind of thing didn’t happen in Singapore? Simple….. not the kids or the driver’s fault. Something faulty had happen to our social & culture! Yup. Following Malaysian socmed logic it was the deceased fault and not the scooter rider.
If the public did not voice up for Sam’s case, Police will not take any action ?
****This was declared by Bukit Aman traffic investigation and enforcement department (JSPT) director Comm Datuk Mat Kasim Karim, who told The Star that the mods to the bicycles are outrageous and they should not be on the road.
“Modifications made to these bicycles are outrageous. These bikes should not be on the road as they do not follow the specifications,” he said, referring to the “mosquito bikes” a.k.a. “basikal lajak” used by Mat Lajak, modded for speed and Superman-style stunts. No brakes, too.***
Those idiots that supports Sam’s to prison, voice out please, tell us WHY THEY SHOULD BE ON THE ROAD ?
Copy paste: “6 years is light. Reckless driving carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years with a fine up to RM 20k. Read more here:
Incidentally, then minister Anthony Loke proposed a lifelong ban for those who caused deaths, perhaps something for the current TM to ponder in light of recent incidents.”
Those idiots that supports Sam’s to be free, voice out please, tell us WHY IS SHE GOING EXTREMELY FAST ON THE ROAD AT 3AM ?
Anyone know where I can get a gun? You know, just in case Malaysian logic wins out.
Child Act 2001 and Act 611 is there to punish any negligence of parents on children. Why not use it to great effect?
Condom is cheap too. Use it!
Bullets are cheaper still. If only I am allowed to use it on mofos that drives dangerously.
If the police were actually doing their jobs, do you think there will be so many lajak cases? It may well be these videos on socmed are old videos, and the police is actually doing something,…. now after it blew up.
There is no money in it chasing after kids. Even motorcyclist that run a red is ignored. Even the crackdown last year on modified motorcycles have run out of steam.
Seems that someone needs to get killed or the whole thing gets blown out in socmed before police will “do something”.
Police is very happy to get drivers with fancy numberplates instead.
‘There is no money in it chasing after kids. Even motorcyclist that run a red is ignored’ True! Well Said!
continuos monitoring is not enough. the parents should go to jail and fine for it.
That means the parents of Sam should go to jail too
Hnggghhh girl cannot go to jail. such a waste….
Don’t worry according to your logic, girl dun need go to jail, her parents will go instead. Well done malaysian netizen!
there’s no more rempit in Thailand. cause either 1 of their parents will be jail for 20 years if offenders caught. kudos to junta..
If you love the junta so much why not go live there?
tackle the root. who is behind the scene promoting marketing financing influencing the adolescent kids to indulge into illegal mosquito bicycle group racing on public road and highway?
Solve the root cause. Speeding and losing control in well lit road. Huraikan kesimpulan.
don’t ever drive car confirms solved root cause. just walk on bare foot no speeding and losing control in well lit road
If you drive car, you’d know that road cannot drive fast, so why did she speed? Got hantu chase her?
It’s a shame what happened to the 8 children, but whoever thinks the 8 kids are not at fault here, please remove all brakes from your car. Don’t worry, if anything happens, it’s not your fault too. I welcome your criticism
It’s a shame what happened to Sam, but whoever thinks Sam are not at fault here, please drive recklessly and as fast as you want, speed limit are just suggestions after all. Don’t worry, if anything happens, it’s not your fault too. I welcome your criticism
please drive your car in low gear max speed 20kmph, traveling faster than a bicycle is considered speeding ok
That road max speed limit is 50kmph so anything below it is acceptable and would have save them both.
Do you want to be crash test dummy to receive impact from incoming car at speed of 49kmph
Oh Im sure Mr Hak would gladly be a crash test dummy in car speeding at 75kmh and losing control.
Monitoring? Apa benda pantau pantau ni? Take action la. Kerja pantau pantau ni kerja orang malas.
Need to pantau for more reckless drivers on the road.
What do we do when we see these bikes? Just tell them to go home? Or tahan them and call the police??
What do you do if you see a car accident in the middle? Ram into them? What do you do if you see a cow sitting in the middle? Ram into them? What do you do if you see apeks riding slow in the middle? Ram into them? What do you do if you see a bunch of kids in the middle? Ram into them?
Why is there not a single mention about bicycle shops that provided these modifications? PDRM need to start checking bicycle shops and if they found any of the components used for modifications, cancel their licence and summons them to court.
Similarly just like mod car & mod bikes, buying importing & selling of mod parts is not a crime. It is only illegal to install and use modded rides on public roads. It is actually perfectly fine to mod kaw a vehicle and use solely on race tracks so the is the conundrum of legality.
Wrong person (kids) at the wrong place (highway) at the wrong time (3am) with the wrong vehicle (bicycle lajak). There should be no case. Those who blame the girl, please use your brain to think, not the ass!
Wrong person (Sam) at the wrong place (highway) at the wrong time (3am) driving wrong way (speeding car). There should be no case. Those who absolve the girl, please use your brain to think, not the ass!
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