A Labor Day tradition, the Sandusky County Restorers of Antique Power’s annual Antique Tractor & Engine Show is being held Sept. 2-5 at White Star Park in Gibsonburg. (Photo courtesy of S.C.R.A.P.)
S.C.R.A.P. to present Antique Tractor & Engine Show Sept. 2-5 Step back in time as the Sandusky County Restorers of Antique Power (S.C.R.A.P) hosts the Antique Tractor & Engine Show Sept. 2-5, 8 a.m. until dark at White Star Park, 960 Township Road 60, Gibsonburg. The event, held annually on Labor Day weekend, features displays of antique tractors, engines, cars, trucks, motorcycles and farm equipment. There are also tractor pulls, parades, demonstrations, live entertainment, food, and a large flea market. Sandusky County Restorers of Antique Power will be welcoming the International Cockshutt Club Inc. and featuring CO-OP Tractors & Equipment with OHIO Built Engines at this year’s event. The annual consignment auction is set for Monday, Sept. 5 at 9:30 a.m. Admission is $5 per person. Kids are admitted free For more information, call at 419-307-4265 or visit S-C-R-A-P-Inc.org. Ongoing Ongoing: “Mustering Memory: 160 Years of Saluting the Civil War,” Hayes Presidential Library & Museums, Spiegel Grove, Fremont. Special exhibit provides the often-overlooked history of how people have chosen and still choose to remember the Civil War. 419-332-2081, rbhayes.org. Saturdays through November: Toledo Farmers Market, 525 Market St., 8 a.m.-2 p.m. toledofarmersmarket.com. Fourth Tuesday of the Month through September: Pemberville Garden Parties, 5-8 p.m. Farmers market events featuring local vendors, entertainment, food and more. beekersgeneralstore.com. First and Third Wednesday of the Month through October: Rollin’ Food & Farmers Market, 5401 Starr Ave. Ext. Soccer Fields, Oregon. Farmers Market, food trucks, vendors and more. facebook.com/rollinfoodandfarm/. Second Friday through September: Northwood Nights, Central Park, 4-7 p.m. Food trucks, vendors, crafters, handmade items, adult beverage tent, and live entertainment. ci.northwood.oh.us. September Sept. 1-5: Garden Bros. Circus – Humans Gone Wild, Toledo Speedway, 5639 Benore Rd.. gardenbrosnuclearcircus.com. Sept. 2-5: Milan Melon Festival, Village Square, SR 113, Milan, Ohio. sites.google.com/view/milanmelonfest/home. Sept. 3-5: Tour Ottawa Wildlife Drive, 1400 W. SR 2, Oak Harbor, sunrise-sunset. Free. Enjoy the refuge from the comfort of your vehicle. The seven-mile, one-way gravel route begins from the overflow parking area. Entrance gate closes one hour prior to sunset. fws.gov/refuge/Ottawa. Sept. 6-8: Toledo Mud Hens vs. St. Paul Saints, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 6:35 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 6-Oct. 31: Fleitz Pumpkin Farm Fall Events, 7133 Seaman Rd., 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Hayrides, maze, play area, donuts, pumpkins and fall produce and more. fleitzpumpkinfarm.com. Sept. 7-9: Home School Days, Sauder Village, Archbold. Connect children to local history; special admission deals for homeschool families. saudervillage.org. Sept. 7, 14, 21 & 28: Senior Discovery Days, Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Trail, Toledo. Seniors are treated to free admission, perks and activities on Wednesdays in September during Senior Discovery Days and exclusive discounts during the rest of the week. 419-385-4040, toledozoo.org. Sept. 7, 10, 13, 14, 14, 17: Fall Migration Day Trip, with Toledo Zoo, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Explore the marshes east of Toledo. Led by the zoo’s Birding Outreach Coordinator and Ornithologist. toledozoo.org/birding-tours. Sept. 9: Toledo Mud Hens vs. St. Paul Saints, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 7:05 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 9-11: 47th Greek-American Festival, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 740 N. Superior St., Toledo. A celebration of the Orthodox faith, Greek culture, entertainment, food, pastry and hospitality. toledogreekfest.com. Sept. 9-11: Black Swamp Arts Festival, downtown Bowling Green. Juried art displays from artists from around the country, plus food, music, kids’ activities and more. blackswamparts.org. Sept. 10: Grub `N Suds Motorcycle Festival, Depot Park, Elmore. Sponsored by the Elmore Historical Society and A.B.A.T.E of Ohio Region 7, the festival features motorcycles, a poker run, live bands, bike games, contests, food, beer and more. Visit Grub 'n Suds Motorcycle Rally Elmore, Ohio on Facebook. Sept. 10: “Witch is In” Door Hanger Program, Schedel Arboretum & Gardens, Elmore, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. $38.11, includes all materials. 419-862-3182, schedel-gardens.org. Sept. 10: Second Saturdays R 4 Kids, Around the World with Col. Webb Hayes, Hayes Presidential Center & Museums Fremont, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Kids are invited to drop in for activities and fun. Program is focused on kids in K-3, but all ages are welcome. 419-332-2081, rbhayes.org. Sept. 10: History Roundtable with Mike Gilbert, Hayes Presidential Library & Museums, Fremont. 419-332-2081, rbhayes.org. Sept. 10: Toledo Mud Hens vs. St. Paul Saints, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 5:05 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 10-11: Pioneer Days, Historic Lyme Village, Bellevue. Travel back in time as history comes alive. Experience various aspects of life in the 1700s and 1800s. lymevillage.org. Sept. 10-11: Fremont Flea Market, Sandusky Co. Fairgrounds, Fremont. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun. sanduskycountyfair.com. Sept. 10: Fremont Speedway AFCS Championship, 410s, 305s and Trucks, 901 Rawson Ave., Fremont, Gates open at 4 p.m.; races start at 7 p.m. (subject to change). fremontohspeedway.com. Sept. 10: Science After Dark: Ultimate Field Trip, Imagination Station, 1 Discovery Way, Toledo, 6 p.m. Uncover the clues in this whodunnit thriller. imaginationstationtoledo.org Sept. 10-11: 18th Toledo Harbor Lighthouse Waterfront Festival, Maumee Bay State Park, Oregon. Island music, food, boat rides available around the lighthouse, nautical arts and crafts, kids’ activities, and more. toledoharborlighthouse.org. Sept. 11: Grandparents Day, Toledo Zoo. The Zoo celebrates grandparents. toledozoo.org/events. Sept. 11: Gibsonburg 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, Williams Park, noon. Gibsonburg remembers 9/11 at the Public Safety Service Memorial that was constructed with the antenna of the North World Trade Center. gibsonburgohio.org. Sept. 11: Toledo Mud Hens vs. St. Paul Saints, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 2:05 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 14-17: Apple Week, Sauder Village, Archbold. Celebrate fall with apple cider pressing and other apple-themed events. saudervillage.org. Sept. 15: Tree Pruning with North Branch Nursery, Schedel Arboretum & Gardens, Elmore, 6-7:30 p.m. Learn the art of tree pruning. 419-862-3182. schedel-gardens.org. Sept. 15: Art Loop: Dancin’ in the Streets, downtown Toledo, St. Clair Street. Enjoy a wide array of contemporary, ethnic, traditional, and interactive dance performances in Hensville. theartscommission.org/events/art-loop. Sept. 15-17: Momentum Art & Music Festival, Promenade Par, Toledo. A three-day celebration of Toledo’s vibrant community through arts and culture. theartscommission.org. Sept. 16: ProMedica Live Summer Concert Series, Patti LaBelle, Promenade Park, Toledo, 5 p.m. promedicalive.com/summer-concert-series/patti-labelle. Sept. 16: Firefly Nights Festival, downtown Bowling Green, 6-10 p.m. Fun, food and entertainment. fireflynightsbg.com. Sept. 17: Fremont Pigeon Show & Shop, Sandusky County Fairgrounds, Fremont, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 419-483-3484. Sept. 17: Downtown Fremont Street Play Saturday Farmers Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., rain or shine. downtownfremontohio.org. Sept. 17: History Roundtable with Mike Gilbert, Hayes Presidential Library & Museums, Fremont. rbhayes.org. Sept. 17: Fremont Speedway, 410s, Trucks, Steel block Late Models, 901 Rawson Ave., Fremont, Gates open at 4 p.m.; races start at 7 p.m. (subject to change). fremontohspeedway.com. Sept. 17: Toledo Speedway Glass City 200, 5639 Benore Rd., Toledo, 5 p.m. toledospeedway.com. Sept. 17: Glass city GLOW-tacular, Glass City Metropark, 1001 Front St., Toledo, 7-10 p.m. Light up the night with glow archery, rock climbing, biking and paddling at this family-friendly event. Metroparks outdoor skills experts will be on hand to guide you. facebook.com/events/438526137850025. Sept. 17-18: International Festival, Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, Perrysburg, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Featuring over 22 ethnicities under one tent, over 100 different styles of food, a multi-cultural shopping bazaar and kids’ activities. Sept. 18: Garden Tours and Workshops, Toledo Zoo, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Theme: “Native Alternatives to Classic Garden Plants.” toledozoo.org/gardens. Sept. 18: Wander the Warehouse District, downtown Toledo, 12-4 p.m. A signature loft and business tour of Warehouse District buildings. toledowarehouse.org. Sept. 19: Capt. Scupper’s Kids Club Songfest: Maritime Music & Movement, National Museum of the Great Lakes, 1701 Front St., Toledo, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Geared toward kids birth-6 and a caregiver. Registration is $5 for NMGL member children and $15 for non-member children per class (non-member price includes free museum only admission for one adult and child). nmgl.org/event/songfest_sep19. Sept. 20-22: Toledo Mud Hens vs. Columbus Clippers, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 6:35 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 21: Goo Dolls in concert, Toledo Zoo Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m. toledozoo.org/concerts. Sept. 22: Healing Sounds & Meditation with Rebecca, Schedel Arboretum & Gardens, Elmore, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $30.90. Bring a mat, blanket or pillow or props needed to be comfortable during the healing experience. schedel-gardens.org. Sept. 23: Fremont Community Theatre “Got Talent” Workshop, 7-8:30 p.m. Designed to help those who are new to theatre as well as seasoned actors to better prepare for auditions. 419-307-2608. Sept. 23: Toledo Mud Hens vs. Columbus Clippers, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 7:15 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 23-24: Crop Circle Arts & Music Festival, downtown Fremont. An extraterrestrial event for the whole family featuring crafts, games, glassblowing, food, drones, glow biking and more. downtownfremontohio.org. Sept. 23-25: Luckey Fall Festival, Basic Park, Adams Street between Krotzer Avenue (SR 582) and Gilbert Road. An old-time fall festival weekend with entertainment, craft and flea markets, antique tractor pulls and displays, apple-butter festival and more. luckeyfallfestival.com. Sept. 24: National Drive Electric Week Ride-and-Drive, Pearson Metropark, Oregon, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Find out why it is possible to “Drive Electric”for all your local and out-of-town trips. driveelectricweek.org. Sept. 24: Roche de Boeuf Festival, downtown Waterville, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. A fun family festival with crafts, food, business and non-profit vendors, carnival rides, a car show, live entertainment and more. watervillechamber.com. Sept. 24: Toledo Mud Hens vs. Columbus Clippers, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 5:05 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 24: Laser Spectacular Featuring the Music of Pink Floyd, Stranahan Theater, Toledo, 8 p.m. stranahantheater.com, etix.com. Sept. 24: Fremont Speedway, 410s, 305s and Trucks, 901 Rawson Ave., Fremont, Gates open at 4 p.m.; races start at 7 p.m. (subject to change). fremontohspeedway.com. Sept. 25: Toledo Mud Hens vs. Columbus Clippers, Fifth Third Field, downtown Toledo, 1:05 p.m. milb.com/Toledo. Sept. 25: Fremont Speedway, Vintage Cars, 901 Rawson Ave., Fremont. Gates open at 4; racing starts at 7 p.m. (subject to change). fremontohspeedway.com. Sept. 27: Greta Van Fleet Dreams in Gold Tour, Huntington Center, downtown Toledo, 7 p.m. ticketmaster.com. Sept. 28: Presidential History Book Club, Hayes Presidential Library & Museums, Fremont, noon-1 p.m. Free. In-person and online event. Learn more by emailing dmclochlin@rbhayes.org, calling 419-332-2081 or visit rbhayes.org. For more events, be sure to visit presspublications.com, visittoleddo.org, shoresandislands.com or sanduskycounty.org. Submit event information to twalro@presspublications.com.
The Press 1550 Woodville Road Millbury, OH 43447
The Press 1550 Woodville Road Millbury, OH 43447