September 2, 2022 // by Jane Brooks
There is no doubt about it. Typing, or keyboarding if you prefer, is a 21st-century skill. It is necessary for school and the workforce. Almost every employment vector now requires time spent using a keyboard and computer.
If you still live in the hunt and peck universe, never fear. There is a myriad of programs available. You can find gamified versions for students and clean, no-nonsense adult-geared programs. Below we highlight thirty of the best for you to explore.
This child-friendly website has a plethora of fun typing games to play. You can choose levels based on your educational level. Additional filters allow you to choose games by a goal, for example, accuracy, or by subjects, such as English or Math.
Among the best websites for kids, Abcya allows younger children to learn typing by playing fun games. Kids can choose from "Ghost Typing" or other cool game themes like "Typing Rockets."
From a cool zombie typing game to guitar typing, offers a game theme to engage any child's interest. One of these games is sure to become one of your child's favorite typing games.
This site highlights fun typing games designed to help kids improve their typing skills through gaming. Each game has different skill levels and works toward building children's typing capabilities.
You can find this game on multiple sites. The racing game allows students to race against others and work on their typing speed. Another plus for this game is that it is aligned with the Common Core Standards. Students can see their accuracy and words per minute after each game.
Learn More: Word Game Time
Learn touch typing while improving your speed. On this site, children can practice on their own or race against others. You can tap into their inner competitor and get them to practice their typing skills.
Ratatype has it all. Kids can learn touch typing in any language. They can race their friends in group mode. Teachers can assign a typing lesson in a program that syncs with Google Classroom. There is also a gaming option.
Elementary students will love this option for typing practice. Designed to teach touch typing, Dance Mat Typing starts with the home row keys and progresses through different typing lessons with four different levels and three stages within each level.
Among typing apps out there, Type to Learn is a subscription-based option. Pricing depends upon student numbers. As a teaching tool, it offers several integrations with other classroom learning platforms. Cost, however, is a definite con as there are other comprehensive programs with advanced options available on the web.
Learn More: Type To Learn
If you are looking for fun software with colorful graphics to engage younger elementary school students, Mickey's Typing Adventure is a solid purchase. The game advances through different lessons and teaches children the correct posture for typing and the correct finger placement to learn touch typing.
Students can improve their keyboarding skills while racing others from all over the world. This online platform has a teacher portal that helps teachers track student growth. This would be a perfect program to add to your homeschool typing curriculum.
Another popular typing program for elementary school-aged children. Students get basic typing practice with fun animals. As the child's typing speed grows, they are assigned a quicker animal character. The app is available on multiple platforms, thus it is a good option for classrooms using iOS devices.
Learn More: Educational App Store
An affordable typing program kids will love, Type Type Revolution works with both students typing and listening skills. They are given a word to type. Students also get to hear the word used in a sentence. This gamified typing program helps build spelling confidence also.
Learn More: Learning Games For Kids
Balloon Typing offers online typing lessons in a gamified format. Students choose which row they wish to practice. From home row to all rows. Balloons rise from the bottom of the screen with individual letters. The speed at which the balloons rise increases as the game progresses.
Checking out websites for kids? You don't want to miss On this site, there are multiple options to practice both typing and mouse skills. Different games target various typing skills from finger placement to speed to accuracy.
If you are looking for accessible typing programs, Typio is designed for the visually impaired. Individualize the look of the screen or the sounds and voices used. The program has several ready-to-go lessons from which you can choose to review previous lessons or move on to new ones.
Learn More: Closing The Gap
Compatible with most device platforms, Typesy offers over four thousand lessons to include in your homeschool typing curriculum. Lessons combine typing practice with critical thinking tasks to engage students.
10FastFingers is one of many typing websites that offers timed typing tests. Moreover, users can choose between regular and advanced typing tests. Typing tests can be individual or group mode.
If you are looking for a virtual typing tutor combined with online typing practice, Keybr is your go-to. The virtual tutor explains everything from developing muscle memory to learn touch typing to home keys and more. The platform includes options for typing tests and multiplayer formats.
This online typing test is a bare bones, no frills website. It tests speed, words per minute and accuracy. It is definitely geared toward middle school students or higher.
Another of the typing websites, offers timed typing tests, online typing practice and gaming options. This site runs the gamut and has options suitable to middle school and elementary students.
For a comprehensive typing curriculum, check out The program comes with a virtual typing tutor and video tutorials. Users can choose from beginner or advanced to fine-tune the instructional videos they access.
Typing Fingers is a typing app that uses a color-coded keyboard and gamified lessons to teach young children keyboarding. As the child practices, they will move into more advanced games.
Geared towards concise instruction, Typing Cat is ideal for high school beginners to adults. The lessons are designed to teach touch typing and have several modules to work through before moving to the next lesson.
Designed with homeschoolers in mind, Typing Lounge presents extensive instruction for typists at all levels through tips and recommendations. The site identifies the fundamentals for beginners and explains the benefits for fluent touch typists. Further, the site offers tips and reviews on typing software, keyboards and more.
With three modes from which to choose, students can work on becoming accurate typists. Students get immediate feedback after each lesson, including information on speed, accuracy and problem keys.
Children learn keyboarding skills while engaging in fast-paced races. Students can choose from car or boat racing options. At the end of their race, they are able to see their typing statistics, including accuracy and words per minute.
A fun typing game for students, Pac Man Typing has students typing letters to help Pac Man evade the ghosts. A fun option for students to learn their way around the keyboard.
Help your younger student's progress increase by starting with Astro Bubbles Typing. Students learn the different sections of the keyboard. Problem-solving skills are included in this beginner's game as students must strategically choose which color-coded letter will eliminate the row of asteroids.
GCF Global's Learn Free Typing program is great for high school to adult beginners. You can begin with lessons or opt right into practice. Tutorials are in video format and are easy to follow and begin with the basics, including correct hand placement and the home keys.